Wednesday, December 5, 2012

And So the Journey Begins...

Well, the demands of pre-op are interesting to say the least.  In order to be approved by insurance for this surgery, you have to have the following:
  • Endoscopy
  • Sleep Study
  • Lab Work
  • Psychological Exam
  • CT Scans
  • Ultra Sound
  • Nutritional Consultation
The doctor prescribed a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) to "heal" the EE and that hasn't worked out that well.  I still get severe pain after eating certain foods and have been chewing on Tums like candy (I found out those aren't good for you either because they coat the stomach and the stomach has to produce more acid to clear up the coating and that's the last thing you need is more acid... Thanks, Dr. Oz!).

I began crossing off the other items on the list.  I had the lab work after my first consultation with Dr. Bruce.  I also had to do an H. Pylori test.  I then began requesting records from my previous doctors.  I had a sleep study done years ago, but they said they wanted to make sure I didn't need a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), but unfortunately I do.  I have to have that before surgery because they want you to use it in the hospital.  So I am currently scheduled for a CPAP titration (fitting for the mask).
Also, back when I had my endoscopy done, I was supposed to have a colonoscopy done as well.  I didn't have it done at the same time and have been having some problems.  Add to that the family history of cancer and I am required to get that prior to surgery as well.

So, I have been to the doctor since because there was some concern about my gallbladder.  They've decided not to take it out, but there are other issues at hand.

The story around this is quite amusing... I was sitting in the exam room and Dr. Bruce is flipping through my chart.  He kept making noises as he was looking over my levels.  He ran out at one point and said to the nurse that they needed to run a Cilliac test on me... then came back and found where they had already done that in the chart.  So needless to say my curiosity was heightened.  As the appointment progressed, he realized I have a "gut issue"... digestion/assimilation issue.  That my body doesn't know how to break down the proteins and nutrients like it should.  He started asking questions about how I digest carbs, gluten, dairy, grease, etc.  I told him most of it comes back up because I can't keep anything down these days... he was very intrigued.  

He told me I needed to start taking a pill ("go to Whole Foods, Aisle 3, blue bottle with yellow text, DIGEST") before each meal/snack. He also asked if he could share my information with a doctor's forum to get more advice. 
After this revelation, he opens the door and says "We're going to change your life girl..." "I hope so..." "I KNOW so!"  So he goes into the hallway, leaves the door open... I guess he thinks I've gone to the front counter to check out.  I think he's actually coming back (he had mentioned the B12 shot and I thought they were coming back to do that).  So I hear him grab Sarah (the PA) and another person... he starts talking in a really excited voice,  

So this could explain the years upon years of pain, sickness and thinking I was crazy because they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. The more answers come my way, the more I am sure this is the right thing for me to do.
Thankfully, when I started this process, I had already had several of those (the ones that are struck through).  I had issues earlier this year with my stomach and constant nausea and severe heartburn/acid reflux.  I was diagnosed with Eosiniphillic Esophagitis in August.  They checked my gallbladder, my liver, my bile duct, etc. and it finally came down to the esophagus.  EE is a disease caused by an allergy, either airborne or ingested.  The doctor at the time told me that it was likely caused by acid reflux, but I have since found that is not the case.  Dr. Bruce truly believes I have food allergies.  I often find myself itching after eating and also have found some cases where my throat begins to tighten (recently when I had bean sprouts).
"What are we here for today?"
"Sarah said I needed my gallbladder removed."
 "Not that I'm aware of... and they ran the test earlier this summer and said it was functioning normally..."
"Are you having problems with your gallbladder?"
"Then why are we taking your gallbladder out?"
"I dunno, that's why I'm here..."
He continued to review my chart and found that I am extremely malnourished. Now, I had to wonder.. "Isn't that sort of an oxymoron?? Fluffy chick loves bread, cheese and chocolate...malnourished?? I'm not starving..." But my B12, Vitamin D, and Folic Acid are significantly lower than they should be, so I have started on the supplements for those. The biggest issue is that my protein levels are EXTREMELY low.
"This girl comes in for bypass... she's got issues with her gut.  Sarah, good call on the gallbadder, but it's fine.  She's got digestion and assimilation issues.  I've never seen anything quite like this.  Her protein level is a 16!!!  SIXTEEN!!!!!!  That's Holy SH*T low!  That's what you see on patients in hospice!!!  I am SO INTRIGUED by this case!!" 
In my head, I'm sitting in the room screaming "Come back!!! Come back!!!" (which sounds quite similar to Rose calling for Jack as his frozen body sinks into the deep dark ocean in Titanic)
Dr. Bruce walks back by the door and says "What are you still doing here?  Come on!"  So I go to the desk, Sarah meets me at the desk and she is thrilled that I came in and asked questions.  Which leaves me to wonder... If I hadn't asked questions, would I be laying on an OR table getting my gallbladder removed??



  1. Kelley! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to this new journey with you. You are going to feel like a new woman soon!! I soooo miss you and support you all the way! Prayers being sent your way. Keep me updated. Love you!

    1. Thanks KK!! Miss you all too!! When is the newest member of the Congleton Clan arriving? Let me know if y'all come shopping in Raleigh during the holidays! Love you!
