Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beyond Ready

I am so ready to get this done!! I feel like it's a constant "hurry up!" "Wait" situation.

Now my doc's office has all the records they need and they have sent everything to the insurance company. The turnaround time is 48 hours and Dr. Bruce still has some openings in December!! Yay!! Lets get this show on the road!!

Until then, I have cut out all soft drinks, drinking mostly water and vitamin water (lemonade is my favorite) and Crystal Light (Natural Cherry Pomegranate). Starting to switch over to decaf coffee & tea.

I have been taking walking breaks at work, sometimes alone and sometimes with friends. Everyone at work is very supportive and cheering me on! It's nice to hear positive feedback and have the support of family and friends. Negative comments are not wanted and basically ignored, so if you have something negative to say, save your breath and don't say anything.

For those of you cheering me on, it is appreciated more than I can ever express!!

Will keep you posted on a surgery date!

Here are some frequently asked questions:

What's the hospital stay like? I will be at Rex for surgery and one-two days after. It depends on when I eat (drink liquid diet) and how the pain level is.

What is the recovery time after surgery? I will be up and mobile when I leave the hospital. I will be able to climb stairs and will be staying at home in my comfy bed/recliner. I will be home for 3-4 weeks. The majority of time spent at home is to get used to the new diet and forcing myself to eat (as I will NOT be hungry).

What is the diet? For the first several weeks it will be a straight liquid diet. Lots of protein shakes, broth, jello & Popsicles. Week 4 begins the "purée diet". Anything that can be puréed to a baby food-like consistency can be eaten. Protein first, then other necessary nutrients. And if course the most important part is the vitamin supplements. I will be taking those for the rest of my life. Better than taking blood pressure meds though!!

I will be able to exercise (mild exercise until released by doctor). I plan to start training immediately and will be signing up for my first 5k. There is also a fitness challenge at work that I will be participating in.

So this week I have realized I must have a pinched nerve. I woke up this morning with a nice muscle spasm in my shoulder blade (angel wing). I am getting a massage at noon... Dan the Man with the Amazing Magic Hands. It is much needed and my doctors office suggested it!

For now,

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